bootstrap 5 responsive image example

Bootstrap 5 Responsive Image Example

August 19, 2022 By Aaronn

In today’s tutorial, we will see how to use responsive image in bootstrap 5. For this section we will see responsive image, bootstrap 5 image thumbnail, image shape . first you need to setup bootstrap 5 project. you can use cdn or read below article.

How to install & setup bootstrap 5

Bootstrap 5 Responsive Image Example

1. You can use .img-fluid class to made responsive image. it will applies max-width: 100%; and height: auto; to the image so that it scales with the parent element.

<img src="" class="img-fluid" alt="image responsive">
bootstrap 5 responsive image

bootstrap 5 responsive image

2. You can also use .img-thumbnail to responsive image. .img-thumbnail class give an image a rounded 1px border appearance.

<img src="" class="img-thumbnail"
  alt="image responsive">
bootstrap 5 responsive img thumbnail

bootstrap 5 responsive img thumbnail

3. You can also use border class to modify image thumbnail class.

<img src="" class="img-thumbnail border-primary"
  alt="image responsive">
<img src="" class="img-thumbnail border-warning"
  alt="image responsive">
<img src="" class="img-thumbnail border-danger"
  alt="image responsive"> 
bootstrap 5 image thumbnail with border style

bootstrap 5 image thumbnail with border style

4. Bootstrap 5 responsive image shape with circle image, rounded image, pill image.

<img src=""
  class="img-thumbnail border-danger rounded" alt="image responsive">
<img src="" class="img-thumbnail rounded-pill"
  alt="image responsive">
<img src=""
  class="img-thumbnail rounded-circle border-primary" alt="image responsive">
bootstrap 5 image shape

bootstrap 5 image shape