To integrate NextUI into your Next.js project, follow these steps tailored to your project structure.
NextUI CLI (recommended)
If you are starting a new project, you can use the NextUI CLI to create a new project with NextUI pre-configured:
npm install -g nextui-cli
Next run below command.
nextui init -t app
If you are starting a new project, you can run one of the following commands to create a Next.js project pre-configured with NextUI:
npx create-next-app -e
#or with yarn
yarn create next-app -e
#or pnpm
pnpm create next-app -e
Automatic Installation
You can add individual components using the CLI. For example, to add a button component:
nextui add button
This command adds the Button component to your project and manages all related dependencies.
You can also add multiple components at once:
nextui add button input
Or you can add the main library @nextui-org/react
by running the following command:
nextui add --all
If you leave out the component name, the CLI will prompt you to select the components you want to add.
? Which components would you like to add? › - Space to select. Return to submit
↑/↓: Highlight option
←/→/[space]: Toggle selection
[a,b,c]/delete: Filter choices
enter/return: Complete answer
Filtered results for: Enter something to filter
◯ accordion
◯ autocomplete
◯ avatar
◯ badge
◯ breadcrumbs
◉ button
◯ card
◯ checkbox
◯ chip
◯ code
You still need to add the provider to your app manually (we are working on automating this step).
// app/providers.tsx
import {NextUIProvider} from '@nextui-org/react'
export function Providers({children}: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return (
// app/layout.tsx
import {Providers} from "./providers";
export default function RootLayout({children}: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
return (
<html lang="en" className='dark'>
You can also read the docs/guide/installation