

Hey there! I'm Aaronn, a Full Stack Developer who's all about React, NEXTJS, Node.js, and Tailwind CSS. I'm on a mission to craft awesome websites that look great and work even better.

How to Add a Loading GIF in ReactJS

How to Add a Loading GIF in ReactJS

When building dynamic web applications with ReactJS, displaying a loading indicator is crucial for enhancing user experience during data fetching or heavy computations. In this blog post, we will guide you through the simple steps to add a loading GIF…

Create a Sign-Up Form Using Next.js and shadcn/ui

Create a Sign-Up Form Using Next.js and shadcn/ui

In this tutorial, we will create a registration form page using Next.js and shadcn First, you’ll need to set up your Next.js project with shadcn Let’s get started! How to Install Shadcn UI in Next.js Project Before creating the sign-up…

Create Shadcn UI Navigation Menu Example

Create Shadcn UI Navigation Menu Example

Creating a responsive navigation menu is essential for a seamless user experience. In this tutorial, we’ll build a stylish menu using Shadcn UI with Next.js, ensuring adaptability across devices. Follow along to enhance your Next.js projects with a sleek, responsive…

How to Use Pagination in Next.js with Shadcn UI

How to Use Pagination in Next.js with Shadcn UI

Learn how to add pagination to your Next.js app using Shadcn UI. This quick guide will walk you through the essentials of implementing smooth and functional pagination. How to Install Shadcn UI in Next.js Project Before using pagination in Next.js…

Next.js with ShadCN UI Textarea Example

Next.js with ShadCN UI Textarea Example

In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a textarea component in a Next.js application using the ShadCN UI library. Before using a textarea in Next.js 13 with ShadCN UI, you need to install it with the command: npx…

React Ant Design 5 Floating Button Example

React Ant Design 5 Floating Button Example

Learn how to create a floating button in React using Ant Design 5. This tutorial assumes you have already set up a React project with Ant Design 5, a powerful UI framework known for its sleek components and ease of…